Faculty in the Department of Physiology mentor approximately 20 postdoctoral trainees per year. Trainees come to us from all over the world and possess a PhD, MD, DVM, or a combination of more than one advanced degree. Persons interested in a postdoctoral position in Physiology should contact directly the faculty member whose research most closely matches their own interests. For information about campus postdoctoral services go to UCLA Graduate Education, Postdoctoral Scholars: http://www.gdnet.ucla.edu/postdocs.html
Medical and Dental EducationThe Department of Physiology plays an active role in several blocks of courses taught during the first and second years of the medical curriculum and the
first year of the dental curriculum. Physiology faculty serve as both leadership and instructors in the medical and dental school courses.
For information about medical student education go to:
Current Students:
For information about dental student education go to: UCLA School of Dentisty, Learning: https://www.dentistry.ucla.edu/learning
Questions about Education in the Department of Physiology can be directed to the Vice Chair of Instruction, Dr. Nancy Wayne email: nwayne@mednet.ucla.edu