Mouse Physiology Laboratory

UCLA Investigators:

All UCLA investigators wishing to use the Mouse Physiology Lab Core must have an approved animal protocol with the Chancellor's Animal Research Committee (ARC-OARO) before experiments can commence. This protocol must include a list of the experiments to be performed in the mouselab core, the rational for the experiments, the rooms where the experiments are to be performed and the number of animals involved. It is not necessary to include the details of the procedures, anesthetics, drugs, etc. The protocol must therefore reference the omnibus mouse physiology lab protocol for the specific experiments and procedures to be performed and certify that those procedures will be performed by mouselab personnel. If any personnel from the investigator's lab are involved, they must have all the appropriate DLAM (Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine) certifications and be added to the mouselab protocol. We will help you with your protocol amendment prior to its submission to the ARC.

After protocol approval, mice can be transferred from clean UCLA vivarium space to our own clean vivarium room by DLAM personnel after submission of a transfer order. Movement of animals to and from the mouselab core is subject to all UCLA institutional guidelines. Rats must be maintained in the rat return rooms following any procedures.

Outside Investigators:

Studies performed for outside institutions have some additional requirements. We will work with outside investigators to develop the experiment and then modify our UCLA animal protocol to cover the proposed study. If the mice are already here, or the procedure is less than 24 hours, or the mice can be purchased from a certified vendor, there will be no delay. If the mice are at your institution, their importation must comply with all UCLA ARC and DLAM procedures. In general, this means that a complete set of recent health records must be submitted prior to shipment. After shipment, the mice will be housed in special limited access rooms for up to 90 days for longer term studies. Current guidelines for health records and other issue related to transfer can be found on the DLAM web page.